PKBM (Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat) can also conduct the Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer (ANBK) in 2023. ANBK is a national assessment that is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to improve the quality of education by capturing inputs, processes, and learning outcomes in all educational institutions.
The ANBK for PKBM is conducted for the following levels:
- Paket A (setara SD)
- Paket B (setara SMP)
- Paket C (setara SMA)
The ANBK for PKBM consists of three instruments:
- Literasi: This instrument measures the ability of students to understand, interpret, and use language in various contexts.
- Numerasi: This instrument measures the ability of students to reason, solve problems, and make informed decisions in a variety of quantitative contexts.
- Survei Karakter: This instrument measures the character of students, such as their attitude, values, beliefs, and habits.
The ANBK for PKBM is scheduled to be held in September 2023. The exact dates and times will be announced by Kemendikbud.
If you are a student of a PKBM, you will be required to take the ANBK. You can find more information about the ANBK for PKBM on the Kemendikbud website.
Here are some of the benefits of taking the ANBK for PKBM:
- It helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students in literacy, numeracy, and character.
- It provides data for Kemendikbud to improve the quality of education in PKBMs.
- It gives students an opportunity to assess their own learning progress.
If you have any questions about the ANBK for PKBM, you can contact your PKBM or the Kemendikbud.